Cloud Apartments is on a mission to fundamentally change the economics and efficiencies of housing construction.


Modular construction market opportunity


Projects under contract ($3m+ potential revenue)


Partnering with elite modular builders


Cloud Apartments has created a scalable, cutting edge approach for multifamily construction. Cloud’s platform enables real estate developers to build higher quality apartments faster, cheaper, with less variability through their network of certified modular construction manufacturers and contractors. In the future, the Cloud apartment brand presents an opportunity for a branded apartment experience that tenants can trust in any city across the country.


Housing developers face challenges building affordable housing projects due to constraints with traditional construction methods. Cloud’s tech and design offerings give these developers the ability to accurately build designs and financial models for specific properties, then connect with the manufacturers and contractors needed to bring the project online.

Cloud’s focus on modular construction brings down the cost of construction significantly, while also increasing the speed to completion. This cost structure opens up new locations for feasible real estate investment, increasing housing supply in needed areas.

Why Cashmere Fund Invested:

Untapped market opportunity:

Cloud presents a compelling solution to pent-up demand. Many developers are sitting on land, and tenants feel the housing shortage in desirable urban areas, but many projects just don’t “pencil” with traditional construction. With Cloud, the economic environment will have an easier path to increasing quality housing supply for both small and large multifamily housing developments.

Scalable solution with efficient path to growth:

Cloud’s asset-light business (they don’t manufacture or perform the construction) makes them an incredibly scalable business. As Cloud closes more developers as customers, they will scale up their manufacturing and contractor networks, further enhancing economies of scale. Cloud can then continue to focus on R&D efforts to continue to drive innovation and value in the space.

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