Venture fund


The Cashmere Fund aims to achieve long-term capital appreciation by actively managing a portfolio of private venture capital investments
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The Cashmere Fund (the “Fund” or “Cashmere”) invests in companies we believe can benefit from influence to grow faster than their competitors. Where possible, we work with management teams that are backed by venture capitalists we respect, helping them scale while creating positive, self-sustaining environments for our companies to thrive.
Influential venture capital investors can attract top talent and additional resources to a startup. Their endorsement can signal a company’s true potential.
Startups backed by influential venture capital investors often gain instant credibility in their industry. This can open doors to partnerships, customers, and more opportunities.
Ultimately, influential venture capital investors can drive value creation not just through financial support but by actively contributing to a company’s strategic direction.
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The Cashmere Fund allows our investors to capture value in promising companies while they are still private, giving insider access to where most potential future value will generally accrue
Cashmere focuses primarily on making early-stage private investments, with recent check sizes ranging from $250k to $1M+. We believe this is where a balanced risk-reward opportunity exists for our investors.

Venture capital, as an asset class, has traditionally achieved market returns by taking calculated early-stage risks. This offers us significant upside potential within the private markets, where much of the enterprise value is created and captured by investors.
Allows you to invest in a venture capital fund, a realm of investing previously largely off limits to retail investors.
Give your money access to earlier stage investment opportunities with greater potential for growth.
Unlike traditional venture capital funds with a 7-10 year hold period, the Cashmere Fund permits investors to redeem a portion of their investment twice a year
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How your investment works

01. make your investment

Once you have created your account, you can begin investing in the Fund directly through the Cashmere portal with as little as $500, and you can add to your investment with as little as $50. The Fund calculates its NAV as of the close of regular trading (4:00 p.m. Eastern Time) on the New York Stock Exchange (the “NYSE”) each day the NYSE is open (each, a “Business Day”).

02.  we invest in promising companies

Your funds are combined with those of our collective investors and used by the Fund to invest in a portfolio of start-up and early-growth stage companies. We seek out high-potential startups that are typically beyond the reach of retail investors, giving you access to the exciting world of venture capital.

03.  Semiannual liquidity

Although your investment is designed for long-term growth, we understand the importance of flexibility. Twice a year, in February and August, we offer to repurchase up to 5% of the Fund's outstanding shares at the current NAV. You will be notified of these redemption opportunities in advance, allowing you to submit a redemption request if you wish to redeem part of your investment.

04.  Monitor and manage your growth

If the companies in which we invest grow in value, so will the value of your investment in the Fund. Through the Cashmere portal you have full control to monitor the performance of your investment, make additional investments, submit redemption requests during semiannual redemption windows, and stay informed about new opportunities—all at your fingertips.
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Where we invest

Our investment principles

Identify start-up and early growth-stage private companies that offer scalable solutions and possess a strong go-to-market strategy. We seek to prioritize investments where founders demonstrate a clear understanding of customer acquisition and product development, aligning with market needs to ensure stable growth.  
We target companies that have a track record of actualizing their financial projections. Through understanding how a business seeks to manage solvency and profitability, we aim to invest the Fund in companies that can adapt to market conditions and sustain long-term growth.
We evaluate investments based on their fundamental role in the current and forecasted economy, focusing on how truly "disruptive" they are or need to be. Understanding a business’s reason to exist helps us assess its potential impact and value creation in the market.
Thorough analysis of market opportunities, we focus on companies that have the potential to create significant value in the near-term, typically within 2-6 years. We consider the timing of market entry and potential exit strategies that we believe will maximize returns for our investors.

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Frequently asked questions

Is this a venture capital fund?

Yes! Cashmere Fund pools investor money to invest into high-growth startups. Our SEC designation allows us to accept investment contributions from non-accredited investors (regular folks). We invest into the same high-growth companies as our more exclusive contemporaries. 

We’re the VC fund for everyday investors.

How is this different from equity crowdfunding?

We’re in a completely different league. Equity crowdfunding platforms raise money for individual startup ventures, and we are forming a registered investment fund that invests in many startups. 

Equity crowdfunding operates under RegCF and RegA+ exemptions, which don’t allow you to pool money into a fund. Cashmere Fund doesn’t have that restriction. Cashmere Fund’s professionally-managed fund pools investor money to invest into private, venture-backed companies on your behalf. With Cashmere Fund, you can invest into the highest potential companies in the world at the click of a button.

What does fully-managed mean?

You can try to find and invest into pre-IPO companies yourself, but most venture-backable companies aren’t available to non-accredited investors, so you have very few options. With Cashmere Fund, you can pool your money with other small investors and let our dedicated team of experts and analysts invest your money for you. You’ll have the benefit of leveraging the Investment Team's deep industry expertise and rigorous due diligence process to build a fully diversified portfolio of companies.

Our fully-managed experience includes;

  • Finding and vetting investment opportunities,
  • Negotiating investment terms,
  • Building out a full portfolio of investments,
  • Managing relationships and needs of the founders as they build their companies.

For more information on our rigorous due diligence process, click here

How will the Cashmere Fund be valued?

Cashmere Fund assigns a Net Asset Value (NAV) to each fund it launches. This NAV is similar to a stock price, except it reflects the value of the portfolio of companies Cashmere Fund is investing into with that fund.

When you invest into a Cashmere fund, you purchase shares at the NAV price on that date. As the Cashmere Fund team invests that money into companies that grow in value over time, the NAV also increases in value, much like a stock price. At some point in the future, should you choose to sell a portion or all of your Cashmere Fund shares, you will sell them at whatever the NAV is on that date.Or to put it simply, invest early—patiently—consistently—and build a future of financial freedom.

How liquid is my investment?

Traditional venture funds keep you locked into the fund for ten years or longer. We’re not about that, but we do believe in a long-term mindset. Like your IRA or 401(k), you should look at your investment in Cashmere’s fund from a long-term perspective in the range of five to ten years to see the greatest benefit.

But when you do need to withdraw some or all of your investment, you can redeem a portion or all of your investment during one of our biannual windows. We have designed our Fund in such a way that we can offer liquidity, albeit with some restrictions, as a benefit to our Members. For more information, click here

What is an "Accredited" or "Qualified" Investor?

Accredited or Qualified Investors meet specific financial criteria which allow them to invest into exclusive assets, like traditional venture capital funds and other “alternative” assets. Financial criteria for Accredited Investors includes a head of household making $200K+ per year for two consecutive years, or an individual owning a net worth of $1M+ outside the value of their home. A Qualified Investor is typically a fund or family office that has $5M+ in investable assets. For more information, click here.

Cashmere’s fund structure allows us to accept investments from anyone, not just Accredited or Qualified Investors.

How do you "get around" the accredited investor requirement?

We don’t. We identified a fund structure under SEC rules that would allow us to meet our investment objectives without any loopholes, new rules, or special exemptions. 

The Cashmere Fund is structured as an interval fund, and a fully registered private security with the SEC. Our interval fund structure differs from many other alternative asset types that typically use registration exemptions under Regulations D or A. Please click here and scroll down to the "Fund Documents" section to view a copy of the Cashmere Fund prospectus.

Some people (looking at some of you millionaires and billionaires) like keeping the garden parties exclusive. Cashmere Fund has officially changed that.

What types of companies does Cashmere Fund invest in?

Cashmere Fund invests in high-growth companies that will shape the future of products we interact with in our personal and professional lives.

Cashmere Fund invests in early stage startups with a focus on Seed and Series A investments. Funding stages reflect a certain level of progress (and risk) as companies go from idea to profit to expansion. Our goal is to help finance the resources they need to maintain and accelerate their momentum, and as a VC partner, we also help them secure resources through our network.

What does your due diligence process look like?

The Cashmere Fund team consists of analysts and investment professionals who’ve assessed and invested into high-growth companies for years—we’re veterans of traditional VC strategy and even better at revolutionizing it.

Every prospective investment is analyzed individually on its own merits and within the context of its own market opportunity. Cashmere Fund also taps its retail investor base (that's you!) to provide insights into the challenges they face and the things they like. In other words, your insights and opinions shape our view of the world and how we choose to invest in companies.

We’ll take care of analytical work, and together let’s invest in companies changing the world.

How is this different from my brokerage account?

It’s nothing like it, and it’s better.

A brokerage account like eTrade or Robinhood allows you to commit money that you can then invest into public stocks and other public investment vehicles. In other words, you can’t invest money from your brokerage account into private, venture-backed companies.

When you make an investment into Cashmere Fund, that money is fully committed to a fund that is managed on your behalf. With our team of experts and analysts at your side, you can invest early in the highest potential companies in the world, lowering risk and boosting returns.

That’s true diversification.

Can I invest from outside the United States?

At this time, Cashmere Fund cannot accept contributions from individuals or entities based outside the United States of America. It is our objective to open this up on a country-by-country basis as soon as possible.


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